Carbon Balanced Paper

Carbon Offsetting is a way to compensate for your emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere


Ovenden Papers are supporters of a carbon offsetting initiative called Carbon Balanced Paper. This initiative offsets the unavoidable carbon emissions generated during the paper making process through partnership with World Land Trust.

All papers purchased from Ovendens are available as a Carbon Balanced paper for a nominal fee and details of this initiative are explained below.

Why Carbon Balanced Paper?

There’s been a revolution in the past two decades. And you’ve been part of it.

Paper is now regarded as one of the world’s great sustainable products. It’s biodegradable, recyclable and made from a renewable raw material. And it’s thanks to the whole print supply chain that terms like FSC, PEFC and recycled content have entered the mainstream.

Carbon Balanced Paper in partnership with World Land Trust is the next step. It’s come at a time when business and consumers are looking for every way they can to reduce their carbon impacts.

Carbon Balanced Paper: High-performance paper for tomorrow’s low-carbon economy.


How carbon balancing works

Put simply, carbon balancing is where the carbon impacts of a product or service have been estimated and an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide is either prevented from being released into, or is absorbed from, the atmosphere.

Carbon balancing is delivered by World Land Trust, an international conservation charity, who protects the world’s most biologically important and threatened habitats acre by acre.

Their carbon balanced programme offsets emissions through the purchase and preservation of high conservation value forests. Sir David Attenborough is a key patron of the trust.

Through land purchase of ecologically important standing forests under threat of clearance, carbon is locked that would otherwise be released. These protected forests are then able to continue absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.

This is now recognised as one of the swiftest ways to arrest the rise atmospheric CO2 and global warming effects.


Since its’ launch in 2013 more than 6,500 brands have engaged with Carbon Balanced Paper, balancing more than 380,000 tonnes of CO2 and preserving 32,650 acres of ecologically endangered land with World Land Trust.

January 2024

Benefits for your organisation

Carbon balancing your paper will reduce your carbon impact, demonstrates your commitment to responsible procurement and corporate responsibility, and enhances your brand.

Use a World Land Trust logo

You will be issued with a unique World Land Trust Carbon Balanced Paper logo that you can include on your printed material to demonstrate and communicate your commitment to reduce your carbon impact

Receive a World Land Trust certificate

You will also receive a of certificate to advise the amount of CO2 balanced and the area of land protected as a result of your positive action.

How can I order Carbon Balanced Paper?

4 easy steps

  1. Speak to Ovendens sales office and request to carbon balance your paper order.
  2. The office will calculate the amount of carbon you have saved and the associated cost of the carbon offset to be paid to World Land Trust.
  3. The negligible cost of carbon balancing will appear as a separate line on your quote and invoice.
  4. The office will send you a confirmation email with your bespoke certificate and unique World Land Trust logo for using on your job.