
Ovendens Natural Greyboard is a 100% recycled fibre board manufactured with a liner either side to aide smoothness.

Manufactured using FSC certified recycled fibres, Ovendens Natural Greyboard can be used across a wide spectrum of applications from general purposes protection to a backing board for pads or calendars.

Can be screen printed but used mainly in plain format.


Manufactured in The Netherlands


FSC Certified
FSC CertifiedForest Stewardship Council
Recycled content
Recycled contentContains a percentage of recycled fibre

NB. Icons are a guide only and have been used in good faith. Please refer to the latest Technical specification sheet from the manufacturer for each product.

Range Chart

Thickness Grammage 450 x 640 640 x 900 900 x 640 715 x 1015 760 x 1020
(µm) (gsm) Bundle Pallet Bundle Pallet Bundle Pallet Bundle Pallet Bundle Pallet
480 300 200 3,600
750 470 150 2,300 75 1,223 50 1,250
1,000 630 100 2,000 50 950 50 950
1,200 756 100 1,600 40 800
1,500 945 30 620
2,000 1,260 50 1,200 25 475 20 529
2,200 1,386 30 440 30 440 20 479
2,500 1,575 25 400 25 400
3,000 1,890 40 640 20 340 15 352

Quantities displayed are sheets per Bundle or Bulk Packed on a Pallet

Stock is also available as a split pallet in exact quantities

Technical data

Property Unit Standard Target Value Tolerance
Thickness µm 480 750 1,000 1,200 1,500 2,000 2,200 2,500 3,000 ± 4%
Basis Weight g/m² 300 470 630 756 945 1,250 1,386 1,575 1,890 ± 4%
Stiffness MD dynamic mNm ISO 5629 80.5 170 275 900 1,650 2,250 3,000 4.750 ± 4%
Stiffness CD dynamic mNm ISO 5629 23.5 75 135 400 700 900 1,200 1,850 ± 4%

Additional Info

We offer an Exact Sheet service.

We will happily split down a pallet to the exact number of sheets you require, just request Exact Sheeting when placing an order with the sales office.